Symbols Moves to Online Tutoring Only Effective March 30th

Hi parents,

We have completed our first week of online tutoring with great success!  While we experienced a few minor hiccups, we learned and adapted quickly, and we’ve had overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents and tutors about their experience online and with using the home kits.  Thanks to the dedication and creativity of our team, we’ve invented ways to make our online lessons multisensory, interactive and engaging.  Some parents have commented that they actually prefer them to the in-center lessons, and, some of our students who are very young or who have focusing difficulties have actually been more engaged in our online lessons than they have been in person.  We’ve included some unsolicited quotes below from a few emails we received over the last few days from parents and tutors about their experience with the online lessons.

For the safety of our students, tutors and their families, we’ve made the decision to stop seeing students in person until authorities have lifted social distancing orders.  Sessions will continue in the online, interactive format.  If you had originally opted to continue in person, we encourage you to try the online option.  They are going very well and are requiring far less parental support throughout the session than we could have imagined.  Continuing will allow your child to progress during this prolonged absence from school.  We will be creating some demo videos tomorrow and will be sharing them with our mailing list, so please stay tuned for that!

Please let us know at your earliest convenience by email whether you choose to switch to the online lessons or want to stop Symbols support.  If you choose to switch to the online platform, we will provide you with a free resource kit for your child’s use at home during this time.  If you already let us know through last week’s form that you are choosing online, no need to update us; your kit will be provided soon if you don’t already have it.
Some unsolicited comments we received over the last few days:

“Thank you!  That worked out fabulous.  He was so engaged and kept smiling…I almost prefer having his sessions like this. Gives him real life experiences.”  

-Gina, parent

“Zoom has been going well! I’ve especially liked screen sharing the whiteboard during math lessons and using the ‘annotate’ feature for reading comprehension passages on ReadWorks. I’ve received good feedback from both parents and students. The parents have been helpful to set up and minimally step in if their child needs help to navigate Zoom. My students have enjoyed it and are patient and cooperative as I learn to navigate it too! Overall, it’s been a good experience!”

-Chelsea, Symbols tutor 

“Thank you!  Ava loved the online tutorial! Thank you for making it work for us.”  

-Deann, parent

“I was very impressed with the online lesson with Amal. She is excellent. ” 

-Jocelyn, parent

“Thank you for all your help as without Symbols we’re not sure where Ella would be.” 

-Michelle, parent

“Today was an amazing day, luckily it was a very engaging interactive class for my daughter Melissa, she really enjoyed this.”  

-Mercedes, parent

“Today was my first day back and working with Zoom. Overall I’d say it went really well, in fact for two of my students, I actually think this format was even better!” 

-Ryan, Symbols tutor

Thank you and stay safe!

-The Symbols Team

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Rob Wahl